Msg 01 - The rundown...
A brief history so you can all understand how Cameron got to this place.
Our brother is 30 years old.
He was diagnosed with Lupus when he was 18 and just starting college. It is a disease that attacks the kidneys and so basically he has been on dialyisis for most of the past decade. The lupus, a disease usually found in middle-aged woman, made him a special case from the start.
Over the years he has contracted diseases and illnesses that made most of his doctors scratch their heads, but he's come through most of them. He has traveled the world with Continental Ministries, performing in various countries, including Cambodia, Columbia and New Zealand. Three years ago our older brother Marty donated his kidney to Cameron, which meant he would no longer need dialysis, which is very painful and takes about 3 to 4 hours three times a week.
We thought that he would be able to live a relatively normal life.
The transplanted kidney began to fail about a year ago and he started to prepare himself for another kidney transplant, which was, ironically, supposed to take place this week.
This time Cameron recieving a kidney from our other brother Austin (if you're reading this, you most likely are aware we have a freakishly large family) The second transplant was rescheduled About a month ago, doctors found a heart murmur so they pushed the surgery back and it was supposed to take place later this year as Cameron went on medication to clear up an infection that was causing his heart problems.
Most recently, within the past two weeks, Cameron started getting intense headaches and became short of breath in the morning.
I am Cameron's youngest sister. I flew in from Florida to visit him about a week ago. His breathing eventually got so bad on Wednesday that he scheduled an appointment with his heart doctor, who sent him to the ER where Cam had a seizure and went into respiratory failure. Doctors found a large blood clot on the right side of his head and went in to remove it.
It has almost been three days and Cameron has yet to regain consciousness, but we are with him, talking to him, and telling him what has happened...
Our brother is 30 years old.
He was diagnosed with Lupus when he was 18 and just starting college. It is a disease that attacks the kidneys and so basically he has been on dialyisis for most of the past decade. The lupus, a disease usually found in middle-aged woman, made him a special case from the start.
Over the years he has contracted diseases and illnesses that made most of his doctors scratch their heads, but he's come through most of them. He has traveled the world with Continental Ministries, performing in various countries, including Cambodia, Columbia and New Zealand. Three years ago our older brother Marty donated his kidney to Cameron, which meant he would no longer need dialysis, which is very painful and takes about 3 to 4 hours three times a week.
We thought that he would be able to live a relatively normal life.
The transplanted kidney began to fail about a year ago and he started to prepare himself for another kidney transplant, which was, ironically, supposed to take place this week.
This time Cameron recieving a kidney from our other brother Austin (if you're reading this, you most likely are aware we have a freakishly large family) The second transplant was rescheduled About a month ago, doctors found a heart murmur so they pushed the surgery back and it was supposed to take place later this year as Cameron went on medication to clear up an infection that was causing his heart problems.
Most recently, within the past two weeks, Cameron started getting intense headaches and became short of breath in the morning.
I am Cameron's youngest sister. I flew in from Florida to visit him about a week ago. His breathing eventually got so bad on Wednesday that he scheduled an appointment with his heart doctor, who sent him to the ER where Cam had a seizure and went into respiratory failure. Doctors found a large blood clot on the right side of his head and went in to remove it.
It has almost been three days and Cameron has yet to regain consciousness, but we are with him, talking to him, and telling him what has happened...
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Jessie, this is great, and is exactly what I had in mind. Thanks so much for doing this. I think it will help everyone with keeping current with his condition. Some have asked about his condition and now I can be sure to give them accurate information. From what I understand. He is currently on a respirator and they proceeded with a mini-surgery to install the stint for the injected dialysis. Let me know if this changes. I know the most immediate concern would be the removal of the respirator.
Thanks, Curt. I'll post a short blurb about what they told me last night and I'll talk to one of his doctors today and get you some information for the fact log.
Cameron, I first met you not long after you became sick with Lupus-you struck me as gentle, kind, and a good sport. Over the years I have prayed for you many times as you have gone through trials with your health, but you always seemed to handle them with much courage and fortitude. Now again I am praying for you and for a miracle-I know you are in God's hands and that's the best place to be! Love and Prayers Robin Pedersen
Hey Cameron,
this is kerry, your crazy british friend. i am writing all the way from china! yea even though i dont see you much these days, im still in the loop and i am lifting you up. God will never leave us or forsake us. your in a tough place, but God is with you and we are all with you too Bro! Hang in there. Your sis, Kerry Mcv.
Jessie and Curtis, this is a great idea. Hang in there Jessie, you're doing a great job of helping people understand what Cam is going through. Cameron, our family and church are praying for your full recovery. There is a daunting road ahead of you, but, He has promised to never leave you alone (though it probably seems at times that you are alone). We think of you everyday and would like to be at your side; encouraging you in person. May the song that He sings through your walk of faith cause others to come to faith. Agapo se (I love you). Marty and Family
Haven't seen you in years...10 or so, sorry it took this for me to drop you a line!! You are a great guy and are in my thoughts and prayers. Get better soon!!
Nikki Wyatt
Dear Family and Cameron,
We just put Cameron on our prayer chain in Montreal. We have about 55 families that receive this prayer chain and I also put this website on the prayer chain if anyone wishes to see it.
I too have a brother that is in a similar place in SanDiego, and his name is Allen...Thank you for letting us in your lives to pray.
Pst. Mike Walker
Montreal, Canada
Cameron, it's been a long time since we've gotten to see you here in Lewiston, but Eric and I have great great memories with you! We've watched you walk through so much more than your average 30 year old and God has performed some incredible miracles in you and through you. I'm amazed at your strength through all of this. I'm expecting God will do yet another one of His miracles with you and you'll have another amazing story to share to those who don't understand how much God loves us. We've missed you as we've thought about you during this time. You've got our prayers, Cam!
Eric and Jamie Beeson
Hey Cam:)
It's Sarah Green, from Tour C.. Remember me?
I just wanted to let you know that you have been in my prayers every hour of every day, and I have most of the people in my building,as well as my classes, praying for you on a daily basis.
You have been the greatest positive male influence in my life, as well as an inspiration in so many ways.
I love you Cameron Bonner! God has your back,and you have all my well as many, many,many, mayonaise jars.
Love and prayers,
Sarah Green~ Tour C,2005.
Hey Cameron,
I never really got to know you personally on tour but I could tell you were an amazing person. I know you were an amazing director. I can still remember the day that you told your testimony to the whole bus while we were on the road. You had all the girls in tears...what i really liked about you though was that even though you had been through some really hard times you didn't want sympathy for wanted your tour and others you met to gain something from it....that God is always in control. I can't even begin to imagine what you are going through and what your family is having to deal with but isn't it great to know that God is in the midst of it all even when it seems there is no end in sight. I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. I'm so blessed to have known you as my director. And i'll never forget that prank you pulled on Mo and I about having to sleep in that small prayer always knew how to get a laugh out of people and to make an impossible situation possible. You taught me discipline (sorry not the worlds greatest speller), and how to act like a professional. That was always your goal it seemed with our tour was that people saw God no matter what we were doing, and that the only way to really serve God is by doing our best and giving our best...and that ment acting like a professional on and off the bus. Get well soon and remember God is in control!
Michelle (a.k.a Red)
Tour E 2002
Hey Cam,
It's Sue. I have missed you and our talks. You seem to understand me and I always seem to understand you and I miss that. I miss all of our jokes and laughing and smelling things. I remember the trip to Colombia. That was a big trip and a great time for you and all of us.
I wish I could be down there watching "Zena" Warrior Princess with you or some other whacky show. :)
You know you are special to me. I love you tons. Can't wait to see you and have coffee in Starbucks. I am thinking about you everyday, I trust everything is going to be ok.
love you tons,
Hey Cameron,
The office and all of "Continental-dom" just isn't the same without you. Of course, the last thing I saw you doing was training Assistant Directors in the way of te Lord. Whether the Lord brings you back to your desk at the office, or moves you into something new down the path of life...I just want to say thank you for living your life with passion, for not taking excuses, for being a man of integrity, and inspiring me and so many others to put the Lord first no matter what comes our way. May the mass of prayers in your name bring peace and healing to your life and body.~Brittany Henson
You are in our thoughts and prayers daily. Your life has been an incredible display of God's grace and has impacted so many people. We are blessed to have known you even for a brief time. Keep fighting!
Sharon Schliep
Hey Cam,
It's so wonderful to hear the progress you are making! I wanted to thank-you for being such a great friend. We have had alot of good times and memories that will last forever.Although its been awhile since we've seen each other or talked you're still in my thoughts,heart and prayers daily. Keep strong!!!
Angela Anderson(fisher)
Hello Cameron,
Joann & Ab Hansen here. You are loved and prayed for daily here in Asotin. Our Harvest 4square church in Clarkston prays for your healing daily.
I remember our times at Sacred Heart when Ab was in hospital for his heart. Your Aunt Joann was blessed to be able to put on gown and mask and come to visit you, I remember these prayer times fondly.
I don't know if you heard about Ab's accident when he went to help Hurricane Katrina folks. He fell off a ladder and crushed bones in leg and ankle. It never healed and so the foot and ankle came off. He is finally getting his prothesis and learning to walk all over again.
We don't always understand why these things happen, but Our God is soverign and in control. The power of God's presence has been so strong for us. Many people have come from all over to pray for Ab and it has made such a difference.
We pray the same for you, that the power of His presence will hover over with you, in and around all by you and that it will be a witness to all of His unfailing love for you.
We love you very much, Aunt Joann and Uncle Ab
P.S. The heart specialist has just told us that Ab's heart is healed, no more enlarged heart or left side total mush, God has done this for Ab. We look to see you dancing, singing and playing piano to the Glory of Our Lord. You have a very special anointing, so sing Cameron, every hour SING! "J"
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