Msg 08 - Great News!
Yesterday, Cameron was still on the respirator, placed back on Diprivan for his pain and hadn’t woke up like he did the night before when Jessie and I were rambling. Things weren’t looking the brightest with an upcoming decision on whether or not to have a tracheotomy conducted to make the respirator tubes more comfortable for Cameron and setup longtime care.
Well, today on the way to the airport (LAX) with Jessie, who is flying back to Florida, we received the best news yet. Cameron woke up and started breathing on his own! I know many of you are saying, “Praise the Lord” or “Hallelujah” right now and you have every reason to do so.
We went to the hospital later today and Cameron was occasionally opening his eyes, trying to talk and very much awake. It was hard to understand him with his swollen tongue, and sore throat, but it was easy to see that Cameron knew who he was talking to and was able to respond. Cameron is still on Dobutamine (increases cardiac output), but they have taken him off of the Diprivan (general anesthesia). Without the respirator tubes in his mouth and a couple days of healing we hope to hear Cameron’s cheery voice again.
This Friday, we will meet with “The Doctors” to hear what they have to say about Cameron’s future outlook and any observations from his recovery thus far.
On a side note I wanted to send out a few thank you comments to some individuals that have made this situation easier for everyone.
In Ventura, Cameron has friends here that are amazing in every way possible. Chantal has assisted Cameron a lot with medical appointments and being there for him whenever help is needed. Omar has let us take over his and Cameron’s apartment by moving downstairs with another friend Josh. We appreciate it and thank all of Cameron’s friends so much for their help, love and support. Also, Jessie Bonner, who doesn’t take credit for much has with the help of Curtis Bonner created this blog site that will truly lift Cameron’s spirits once he views all the comments from family, friends and even people who Cameron has never met. When Jessie arrived here Cameron had noted a particular item Jessie was carrying. It was a case for her iPod and Cameron remarked that it looked Navajo. Jessie of course felt this was Cameron messing with her, but I feel it relates, because I have decided to refer to Jessie as “Sacagawea" (not Navajo, but close enough). Jessie was here to help Cameron through an extremely tough time and has guided many people with the help of this blog to come to know Cameron more and given them the ability to send their support. Good job Jess and Curtis! Here’s a photo of the case for you to decide.

Well, today on the way to the airport (LAX) with Jessie, who is flying back to Florida, we received the best news yet. Cameron woke up and started breathing on his own! I know many of you are saying, “Praise the Lord” or “Hallelujah” right now and you have every reason to do so.
We went to the hospital later today and Cameron was occasionally opening his eyes, trying to talk and very much awake. It was hard to understand him with his swollen tongue, and sore throat, but it was easy to see that Cameron knew who he was talking to and was able to respond. Cameron is still on Dobutamine (increases cardiac output), but they have taken him off of the Diprivan (general anesthesia). Without the respirator tubes in his mouth and a couple days of healing we hope to hear Cameron’s cheery voice again.
This Friday, we will meet with “The Doctors” to hear what they have to say about Cameron’s future outlook and any observations from his recovery thus far.
On a side note I wanted to send out a few thank you comments to some individuals that have made this situation easier for everyone.
In Ventura, Cameron has friends here that are amazing in every way possible. Chantal has assisted Cameron a lot with medical appointments and being there for him whenever help is needed. Omar has let us take over his and Cameron’s apartment by moving downstairs with another friend Josh. We appreciate it and thank all of Cameron’s friends so much for their help, love and support. Also, Jessie Bonner, who doesn’t take credit for much has with the help of Curtis Bonner created this blog site that will truly lift Cameron’s spirits once he views all the comments from family, friends and even people who Cameron has never met. When Jessie arrived here Cameron had noted a particular item Jessie was carrying. It was a case for her iPod and Cameron remarked that it looked Navajo. Jessie of course felt this was Cameron messing with her, but I feel it relates, because I have decided to refer to Jessie as “Sacagawea" (not Navajo, but close enough). Jessie was here to help Cameron through an extremely tough time and has guided many people with the help of this blog to come to know Cameron more and given them the ability to send their support. Good job Jess and Curtis! Here’s a photo of the case for you to decide.

I cannot believe you did that...
Good job on your first post, I told you it was easy. now go drink some of that "frou frou" coffee the other marines are always teasing you about. J
I am so glad to hear this news. We are thinking about you all everyday. Thank you Jessie and Curtis for keeping us in the loop. We will continue to pray for Cameron's recovery. Love you guys
It is great to hear that Cameron is getting better. Thanks for making the blog to keep the rest of us informed.
Jessie, Curtis, Austin and others:
No words can express how helpful all of this communication is! Thank you, thank you, thank you.
We love you are very pleased indeed that you are alive and improving. Praise God for His infinite love in every area of this present circumstance.
Love, hugs and prayers - Ron and Julee
Austin, Thanks for the info, and for mentioning his friends from Ventura and from the Continentals. Earlier this spring I met a few of them and it gave me much comfort to see how supportive they are. Not only with youth around the world but with those that grow within the group. Their support and assistance is invaluable. Cameron, so glad you are getting away from the terrible breathing tubes. When I saw you mon night, i saw a guy who was fighting to live, and who planned on doing whatever it took to accomplish that. You have more strength and courage than I ever will. Keep it up and I will see you soon.
Cameron, now we know how much you did not want a trach. You showed us by just skipping the vent weaning process and just breathing on your own-I love you and keep fighting all odds against you.
From Lily-"Soon will you get out from the 'hospitable' and Uncle Cameron I love you."
Austin-thank you for this God praising entry. And we needed the navajo story Cameron would want that. Always making us laugh and smile. "Sacajawea!"-dad's infamous name for Mom when she stressed. I'm sure Jessie refers it to "Pekinia".-love u sis
Thanks Jessi and Curtis for this blog!! Praise God for this news! I dont know Cameron very well, I've only met him once, but, he was so genuine and kind when we met. My family and I are definetly continuing prayers!!
Be Gods!
Tour N 2005
We are so thankful for this latest news. All I have to do is hear Sacajawea & instantly I'll be Swap Johnson comes to mind and brings a smile to my face! :)
To Cameron and his family,
We are praying for all of you during this time. Thank you for putting this blog together, which enables all of Cameron's worlds to come together and express love and support.
We love you. Know we are thinking and praying for you. So many people have put little stories about there time with you and I have to say I want to, but I am drawing a blank to just one.
You were there during that time when I was looking for love in a lot of wrong places. You were patient and kind. Thank you. I miss you, man.
Jess & Jeremy Movius
Jessie,Austin,and Curt-Thank you so much for posting all of this info im usually in the dark about cams condition but now I can keep up.I thank the Lord for this wonderful news about our brother,and I pray that he will continue to go stronger and that God will help him endure. P.S. I know all the brothers and sisters loved that Sacajawea comment. Thanx Love your lil'est Bro
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