Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Msg 10 - So my brother

So my brothers promise another update will be coming soon. Since I am 3,000 miles away in Florida I’ve been checking in with them through phone and e-mail and it sounds like a lot has happened in the past week as far as the strides Cam is taking to get better.

Guy flew in from Iraq this week and he tells me our oldest brother Lee is scheduled to fly into California sometime today. Cameron is undergoing physical therapy to retain his motor functions and Guy said he is constantly trying to pull himself up and get out of bed.

If you know Cameron at all, you probably know how difficult it is for him to sit still.

He still has a really long ways to go, but I can’t help but think how much faster his recovery will be with his brothers there for support. Anyways, this is just a short note until Austin and Guy post a longer, more indepth summary of what’s going on. They’re supposed to be meeting with Cam’s doctors soon so they’ll have the latest information about what's happening.

In the meantime, nearly 100 people from all over the world have posted notes for Cameron and I just wanted to thank you all for that and tell you how much it will mean to him when he’s able to read them all.

I was torn when creating this blog because we were posting a lot of personal information without Cameron's consent, but it has been so crucial for keeping everyone informed. I figure we'll worry about all the embarrassing stories and inside jokes later.



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