Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Msg 11 - Motherly Love

The Lord told me this year that everyone is in his place. After years of seeing you in the worst, after prayer, seeing you amazingly spring back to your self. It has been sorrow, tears and then comes the victory, joy in the Lord, and the waiting, as you get well. You are a work of art, God’s art, as we all are in God’s will.

Psalms 19:7: The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul: The testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple.
v.8: The statutes of the Lord are right, rejoicing the heart, the commandment of the Lord is pure, enlightening the eyes.
v.9: The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forever, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.
v.10: More to be desired are they than gold, yea, than much fine gold: sweeter, also than and the honeycomb. You were the second of 4 boys, born about a year and a month apart.

Those years, I had a dream about four babies. I thought, am I going to have quadruplets? I did have the four babies; Curtis, Cameron, Austin, and Guy. Guy is coming in to see you today, Sunday the 17th of September, 2006.

One time, some of the boys, can’t remember which ones, got in the car and the car went across the street ending up in the neighbor’s fence. There was a lot of screaming, and it wasn’t me.

We had 2 terrible days where Cam was not getting any nourishment for going on the three days, I was getting a little worried. Then the next day, Saturday, we went in and he was looking good, and talking. Before that he was too drugged and his eyes didn’t look so good. They are still talking about when to conduct heart surgery, to repair his 2 damaged valves. A nurse (Diane) came on shift, Saturday evening, who had cared for Cameron much earlier in his hospital stay, after surgery on his brain to remove a blood clot. He is getting physical therapy now, getting him up into a wheelchair and conducting arm exercises. That was good. They also have placed a PEG into Cameron’s stomach to provide nutrients into his stomach. This is the best means for the body to receive nutrients.



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