Msg 19 - Tentative Discharge
Cameron has progressed to a point where he will be transferred to a rehabilitation center in either Santa Barbara or Oxnard. He will most likely go to Oxnard which is adjacent to Ventura on the south side. We will know more early next week. He has been walking with assistance and using a guide that is similar to a cane and looks like one side of a normal walker. This is huge step forward as he continues to regain strength in his leg muscles while learning safe techniques to avoid overstrain on weaker muscles. It is safe to safe say he is on the downhill stretch for recovery.

As for the future outlook, his physical therapist was hesitant in commiting to a definite date. Although, he cautiously agreed that Cameron would most likely be completing therapy on an out-patient basis before the holidays. Where then, he can at least enjoy some more normal conditions. Mostly, he will need a three week treatment intended to familiarize his body with the new kidney. The treatment will be administered through his regular dialysis treatments. Ideally, with good planning and proper timing we can look for a surgery to occur in early January.
When family is not around Chantal has been assisting a lot with communication and ensuring necessary planning occurs based on Camerons needs. She has been a valuable member in Cameron's support. This week she will be traveling to Holland for a family function and returning on Oct 30th. Curtis will support in communication during her absence, Omar will assist as well. Cameron is receiving many visitors from the Continental's team and yesterday he received a visit from Aunt Willie and her family.
Information will be posted for the Rehab Center once that becomes final. You can find it by going the the link listed as "The Doctors".

As for the future outlook, his physical therapist was hesitant in commiting to a definite date. Although, he cautiously agreed that Cameron would most likely be completing therapy on an out-patient basis before the holidays. Where then, he can at least enjoy some more normal conditions. Mostly, he will need a three week treatment intended to familiarize his body with the new kidney. The treatment will be administered through his regular dialysis treatments. Ideally, with good planning and proper timing we can look for a surgery to occur in early January.
When family is not around Chantal has been assisting a lot with communication and ensuring necessary planning occurs based on Camerons needs. She has been a valuable member in Cameron's support. This week she will be traveling to Holland for a family function and returning on Oct 30th. Curtis will support in communication during her absence, Omar will assist as well. Cameron is receiving many visitors from the Continental's team and yesterday he received a visit from Aunt Willie and her family.
Information will be posted for the Rehab Center once that becomes final. You can find it by going the the link listed as "The Doctors".
Cameron, You look great-so good to see you! Love, Susan
Thank you Curtis!
Ditto-you look awesome. so completely proud of you...
Sparky! So glad to hear you are healing and making progress. Going to rehab is HUGE step!!!! We are all still praying for you and rejoicing in your continued progress.
Keep Fighting!!!!!!!!!
Kerry, Todd and Kai Lin Seip
This is a long one, sorry, only read this when you have some time to spare…..see below.
So you had me a little concerned there for a bit, LOL, =-). I hope you can take that for a joke. Being the analytic that I am, I have learned to respect others and for what they feel is truth, since many times I look back on my former self and realize how wrong I have been on many things.
It seems that It could be true, that if enough of us in this world desire something enough, we can voice our will in many ways, (prayer being one of them) and gain successful results.
I should not have agonized about you so much, since I am assured that, it will be a but a blink in time before we all have joined together in another place. However, your purpose in this life is not yet finished. It gives me faith to see those that can, and will, do good, by taking all the intangible gifts of character we receive from our parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts/uncles, cousins, good friends etc....and continue in passing them on. Even throughout our adulthood. Who better to give us direction in life than those that have gone on before us. All good that I have today, came from those around me in life, who have gifted me with their compassion and encouragement, including yourself at times. You are doing well. For all of us on this planet, we are nothing without each other, and only become something when we unite by fullfilling our own individual roles in the purpose of it all. Afterall, mankind from a higher level is similar to a human body, even the heart starts out as a small embryonic cell close to all, but by the time birth occurs it has taken its destined location, although, his equal ( the brain persay ) and him may no longer reside in the same space they did ages ago, it doesn't mean that they aren't together in spirit and soul, able to do so much more when working together while doing their function.
I may overthink things and reveal my ignorance when I express my own philosophy on life. But I can say….. that I am encouraged by your strength. I know that a tough road still lies ahead of you. All of us have roads like these throughout our life, and they are traveled alone. Your road is not quite the norm, I should say,,,, but even more reason to look forward to the essential and natural balance in life, returning great joy that will continue to come your way.
There is a song I like a lot, it is secular, but the words have much meaning to me, the main chorus sings,,,,,,,,, "It can't come quickly enough",,,,,,,,,, it is referring to each of us while we are in our youth and our Quest for greatness and how we just can't wait to get what we think life will/should offer us. The second part of the chorus, ",,,,,,,,,,, it has came and passed you by, and left you so defeated",,,,,,,,, life can humble you. We only get one chance to live for today and then it is history, can't go back and do it over, but for me, I have found things I ignored before, or just consider too simple to care about, are now so intriguing, almost like finding a hidden treasure, as I have discovered how awe inspiring it is, to walk this life with the people we know, and to share our own discoveries and unique experiences. Not enough of them are told and we can learn so much from each other if we allow it.
Throughout our own trials even I have difficulty at time keeping my spirit renewed, so I have no desire but to encourage you and see you succeed, as you are a better person than I will ever be, and so, at least I can play my part and offer what I have to give. I was able to see a lot of the family while you have been recovering, I have also learned a lot about what you have been doing most of your life and how great the people are that you work with. While riding in Austin's commando (inside joke, ask him) Guy and I fought over politics. you were undergoing a 5 hour open heart surgery and previously we had just wished you well and good luck, soon our fighting escalated, (George Bush you know, oi !!, ok i won't go there ) , didn't realize how out of control we were until Lee spoke up and reminded us that you were in surgery fighting for your life. What can I say, except that I apologize to Guy and you for being so ignorant of what is important in life, by not letting another express their opinion and allow it to be different than mine, I cried and then laughed when Martin made his comment of encouragement and then the quippy jokes i remembered that he always makes. I saw Austin and Guy and how they have grown to be good husbands and carry on in the Bonner tradition, and Jessie who I have not seen in 5 years, who has grown to be a well put together young woman, I see a lot of you in her, so able to just brush off the dust of the past, while smiling and moving on. I became to know so much more of the person you are. I'm honored to have been able to help in whatever way I can. I think you know, all of us will be there for you whenever you need it, and always in spirit.
I dreamed of you over the past weeks, In one dream you were in a large room with a long narrow table, consulting with many people, signing contracts making decisions while important people and people of all kinds ciruculated in and out. I waited privately outside the large room, you then came out and handed me a piece of paper, and on it, were instructions on what to do, and that I knew I was to carry them out for you. Maybe this was it, to share my compassion and give you what you deserve and also to give you encouragement.
In conclusion I'm sure you struggle with what to say to everyone, or maybe you just want to go to a movie or get out of that place, my advice is, just be your usual self and do not feel down for looking less than strong, christ was beaten and hung on a cross in front of many that loved him, can't imagine how that could have been, just know that sometimes you don't always have to be the giver, and others can only enjoy giving if you allow them to do so, so take it day by day, and don't rush yourself so much that you cause yourself to encounter disappointment, remember that today is always important, and you have something to offer no matter what position you are in. I say this for others also, who struggle with seeing you go through this, although, as evidence of all of our prayers and with your passion to fight, you will be back on track soon enough. And then this blog will rest until you have your surgery for the kidney transplant. So this is a "push off" of sorts, on that ship that you sail. Just be sure to write us.....i'm sure the family and extended families would like to hear from you now and then.
Your Bro, Curtis
Eighth of Fifteen
Looking good Cameron! Me and my friends are praying for you!
Cameron, I have been praying for you off and on for years. I am in until I see the miracle--complete and glorious. We have your name posted at the Healing rooms in downtown Lewiston also. It is time, Darlin'. Love Joy Paradise
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