A brief history so you can all understand how Cameron got to this place.
Our brother is 30 years old.
He was diagnosed with Lupus when he was 18 and just starting college. It is a disease that attacks the kidneys and so basically he has been on
dialyisis for most of the past decade. The lupus, a disease usually found in middle-aged woman, made him a special case from the start.
Over the years he has contracted diseases and illnesses that made most of his doctors scratch their heads, but he's come through most of them. He has traveled the world with
Continental Ministries, performing in various countries, including Cambodia, Columbia and New Zealand. Three years ago our
older brother Marty donated his kidney to Cameron, which meant he would no longer need dialysis, which is very painful and takes about 3 to 4 hours three times a week.
We thought that he would be able to live a relatively normal life.
The transplanted kidney began to fail about a year ago and he started to prepare himself for another kidney transplant, which was, ironically, supposed to take place this week.
This time Cameron recieving a kidney from our other brother Austin (if you're reading this, you most likely are aware we have a freakishly large family) The second transplant was rescheduled About a month ago, doctors found a heart murmur so they pushed the surgery back and it was supposed to take place later this year as Cameron went on medication to clear up an infection that was causing his heart problems.
Most recently, within the past two weeks, Cameron started getting intense headaches and became short of breath in the morning.
I am Cameron's
youngest sister. I flew in from Florida to visit him about a week ago. His breathing eventually got so bad on Wednesday that he scheduled an appointment with his heart doctor, who sent him to the ER where Cam had a seizure and went into respiratory failure. Doctors found a large blood clot on the right side of his head and went in to remove it.
It has almost been three days and Cameron has yet to regain consciousness, but we are with him, talking to him, and telling him what has happened...